As Salaamu alaikum
the past few weeks I assigned myself the task of completing the recitation of Baqara in my home every 3 days at least. When Baqara is recited in the home the devils leave for three days.
Immediately after I finish reciting it, every single time, I can feel the house purify. My children are less agitated. My mind becomes clear. And the quality of my thoughts change. This week I read Baqara Monday. Then I forgot to read it after that and three days passed.
It was subtle, the return of tue devils to my home. It felt like a cloud rolled in and worry began to furrow my brow. Thing is I wouldn’t even have noticed a difference if I hadn’t been reciting Baqara so often so many weeks. I thank Allah for granting me that opening. I thank Allah for allowing me to be a means of protection for my children. Alhamdulillah!